
We respond to a growing demand of digital services in healthcare, providing a personalized ready-to-use
software platform to help you build health awareness applications.
For the surgeon to have his or her mind fully in the operating room, all the pre-surgery preparatory phases have to work smoothly following a clean and clear therapeutic route. This is where software engineering services from Ropardo crossed roads with the cardiovascular medical field. Their solution is a decision support system, patient monitoring system and a collaborative tool for our medical team. All in one place, secure and very innovative in its handiness and user-friendliness.
Director of NextCARDIO Center of Cardiovascular Diseases
RoHealth – Powerful, Customizable Data Integration Platform
With RoHealth, we put our software engineering expertise in the service of digital health systems keeping their main beneficiaries in mind:
Empowered Patient
RoHealth integrates mobile, cloud and medical IoT technologies to create engaging user experiences by digitalizing their way to health-aware lifestyles. Empowered patients are supported by family, physicians, pharmacists and know where and when to ask for help. Patients feel cared for and motivated in their home comfort.
Health providers
RoHealth helps building applications that enable remote patient monitoring, secured messaging and automated health coaching. Health carriers interact with their patients through individual messages and/or implement preventive care standards with just-in-time, contextualized reminders. With the digital tools at hand, they deliver quality care.
Digital Health Manifesto
Developing innovative e-health management solutions is taking us closer to deliver advanced solutions for an increased quality of life and medical services. ROHEALTH platform is our way to achieve a significant step ahead in the empowerment of the citizens and in promoting awareness and encouraging a healthy lifestyle.
We engage digital technology as an excellent partner for transforming and improving the present healthcare industry. The result of our expertise consists of innovative software tools for communities, young or senior, to gradually adopt a healthier lifestyle by their own choice. Also, tool for medical staff to prepare for and cope with challenging future medical cases based on the patient history files.

European Business Awards and RSM named ROHEALTH the Romanian National Winner as the digital transformation solution for healthcare industry.
Products powered by RoHealth platform
Ropardo innovation and development center revolutionizes the way we interact with each other and the world around us through integrated communication. RoHealth is an IoT platform that puts together an amazingly rich range of mobile and web apps, devices, cloud services, wearables, people and professionals.
ZivaCare – Data integration module that connects health data aggregators and help build healthcare applications meant to raise awareness by reading users’ data from any smart/wearable device.
RoboFuse – Data collection system that helps manage and control smart devices, use insights from collected data and secure business assets
ArdoCare – Modern EHR & HIS to help manage the activity of running a hospital. A system that is easy to use by clinicians and administrators, easy to setup, install and upgrade. All in the benefit of patients.
Patient paper records are history
ArdoCARE is an easy-to-use, customizable Electronic Medical Record solution ensuring digital management of health data.
DiscoverEmpowering Healthy Ageing Coach
Nestore is an innovative personalised coaching system to support healthy, independent ageing
DiscoverHealth Awareness Mobile Apps
Complex software development of a series of web and mobile applications that serve to enhance healthcare awareness among children and young adults.
DiscoverIoT for a Balanced Lifestyle
In this article we will tackle IoT as a resource that comes very handy to most of us to improve our health and quality of everyday life at a personal level.
DiscoverRohealth – Healthcare Digital Services
Rohealth brings together forces: software development, industry know-how, national health system, healthcare providers, and moves things.
DiscoverUser-Centric Health Integration Platform
eHealth is an area of expertise for Ropardo R&I Center having successfully developed a series of platforms to serve health purposes in various life areas: work, physical activities, fun.
DiscoverRoHealth Data Integration Platform
Powerful, customizable dedicated data integration platform for healthcare data integration