B2B Mobile Commerce Application
B2B Mobile Commerce Application
Extend accessibility of your eCommerce web platform
About the Client
As a specialist in the premium food market, our client operates with the distribution and promotion of high quality products in the Retail & Food Services markets.
The client collaborates with valuable brands and providers across Europe, many of which are leaders in their field. Having an experience of over 25 years in the premium food market, the client aims to deliver high quality food to retailers and restaurants in a safe and professional way.
The Need
The client is a long-term partner of ours for whom we had already developed a self-service B2B eCommerce platform integrated with their existing SAP system. You can check it out here.
The next natural step for the client was to deliver more value to their customers and extend accessibility of the platform. Thus they required a mobile version of their B2B eCommerce platform. With the increased number of transactions on mobile devices, the new self-service sales channel had to offer the same shopping experience as buyers are used to on B2C platforms.
The solution requested had to deliver a straightforward, user-friendly, and transparent purchase process.
The Solution
After developing the e-commerce platform, Ropardo maintained a customer centric experience direction and designed a self-service m-commerce solution, synchronized with the web platform to ensure an accurate purchase flow. Through synchronization, customers can easily track their purchasing activities and stocks are updated automatically.
To deliver a holistic customer experience, our team incorporated vital features for a B2BmCommerce solution such as advanced search, complex pricing, order and payment management, synchronization with the web platform which is in turn integrated with the client’s SAP third system, etc.
The entire B2B m-Commerce solution retains the customer brand identity which is harmoniously transposed in the mobile experience.
Here’s an overview of the main components of the m-commerce platform:
Built for secure user authentication but with user accessibility in mind, the login screen enables two key actions for a seamless customer experience: save my credentials & password reset functions.
As the e-commerce platform allows the creation of multiple categories of users in a single account, at this stage the buyer can select a user (delivery point) from the list assigned to his or her account.
It contains three key elements: a header with promotional campaigns, product catalog (products are split into different categories), a fixed menu in the lower section.
While the buyer is navigating the catalog, the category menu stays fixed on the top of the screen, so it could be easily reached. A certain product can be added to cart directly from the list or from its PDP.
It contains essential details about the product, like images, price, SKU, in/out of stock info, and other core functions like add to cart and add to wish list buttons;
It includes discounts, credits and loyalty points.
It includes a clear and consistent layout, tracking inventory feature, and a visible CTA button.
The easy and intuitive checkout displays order details and applying discounts.
It allows viewing all notifications, credit limit feature, order history, refund option available when selecting a specific order, FAQ section, other profile details.
Key Benefits
The business value added by implementing a full option B2B mobile solution is tremendous. First of all, the client ensures an omnichannel experience for its users, which facilitates customer retention and business growth. Therefore, it increases potential sales opportunities by connecting with buyers online via a broad sales channel – mobile devices.
Our solution ensures fast browsing and simple transactions, enhancing customer experience. More than that, a mobile commerce application represents a competitive advantage and supports our client to stand out.
- Customer retention
- Business growth
- Competitive advantage
- Omni-channel experience
- Extended sales opportunities
- Seamless user experience
Do you have a similar situation?
Contact us:
office [at] ropardo [dot] ro
Tel. +40 269 231 037
About Ropardo
ROPARDO is an independent leading software engineering company providing customers with key competitive advantages – Innovation, Quality, Timely delivery, since 1994.
With the latest tools and agile methods, we create beautiful highly performing products and platforms as well as user-friendly mobile, cloud or web applications to increase speed-to-market and deliver more frequent releases. Well-grounded in the Agile state of mind, our engineers are flexible in responding to any challenge. Yet, we have been here and successful before the Agile era, so trust us for classic approaches.
Level of Services
- Requirements management
- System analysis
- Risk analysis
- Process management
- Change management
- Problem management
- Incident management
- Release management
- Architecture design
- Implementation
- Project management
- Software test
- Software maintenance
- Performance tuning
- User training
Outsourcing to Ropardo
- Quality custom software development
- End-user satisfaction
- Short time to market
- Quantifiable value
- Guaranteed performance level
- Reduced and controlled costs
- Managed risks
- Good value-for-money
- Flexibility
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