
Do IT differently!
Recreate what is now an encoded world and keep IT simple
It’s hard for a student or fresh graduate to gain the experience that all employers require during interviews. At Ropardo we create an opportunity for you and help you achieve real experience in a real company. You will have the possibility to develop new competencies and to get used to new technologies, in a professional environment.Paid Internships
Designed for students who want to be taught and trained on the job. Internships are dedicated to those that already have some software knowledge and skills. You will be included in a project and work with experienced staff.
In our company, internships last 3 months and take place during summertime. Students get paid based on employment contracts. After graduation, they are offered the chance to join Ropardo.

Summer Practice
Join a 3-week summer practice program designed for students. You will learn new technologies hands-on from our friendly professionals, while also getting in touch and experimenting the business environment.
We provide support for graduation thesis/dissertation and appoint one of our colleagues to help with choosing the subject and guide you throughout the writing of the thesis.

Applied Research
We are constantly engaged in European research projects, being selected as the expert with the necessary skills and resources to implement innovative solutions in the public sector and various industries like: Intelligent manufacturing systems, Information retrieval and management, Knowledge-based systems, Decision support systems, intelligent agents, Virtual Reality, eHealth.
Crush IT – Start Smart in your IT career
Inspired from your challenge as a student and fresh graduate being asked for experience when you are actually just starting after finishing studies, CrushIT – Start Smart in your IT career presents multiple opportunities for students to have a rich portfolio. They are all described in the series Start smart in your IT career.
The cherry on the cake is the free consultancy hour to crush IT in your first interview offered by our specialists. Take this opportunity!

Start by saying a Big Hello
…online. Submit your CV to Or simply push the button below.
We like IT here
I grew up as a developer in Ropardo finding outstanding colleagues here, which is fundamental for teamwork. Here I learned that unselfish effort is equally important with the effort for personal and professional development. Ropardo is indeed a company which focuses on continuous quality improvement, with contribution to work satisfaction, enthusiasm and self-confidence.
Pick your fit job and join our team of innovative thinkers