Our paper is presenting the 1st version and early evaluation results of eUNIV- a re-engineering project for education. The project's objectives are to enhance the university's specific performances and its capacity to manage knowledge. The objectives are to be reached by adapting and implementing a new, modified version of eyeKNOW, Wittmann&Partners Computer Systems S.R.L. (WPCS) software for project knowledge management. The e-Business solution is transferred to the university environment. The new product - eUniv - is being evaluated in the pilot site of the Department of Computer Science and Automatic Control of the "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu. The research-development team consists of professors and researchers from the university and specialists from WPCS. The last step of the project intends to connect to the eUniv server the most important research and documentation centres of the university. The Department of Computer Science and Automatic Control will organize a permanent show room for the new product - eUniv. The project evolution can be followed up on: www.tele-education.org/eUniv/.
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