Applied Research

e-Edu-Quality - Software Tools for Quality Management in Higher Education


The knowledge society considers education and training among the highest political priorities. In order to achieve the goals, set for 2010 by the Bologna Process national education bodies called upon universities to establish performance indicators to measure progress towards these goals. In our paper we are presenting the first results of a research project that aims to achieve a better quality management of all university’s aspects through an advanced web-based, multi-agent, knowledge management system. The proposed system has advanced functions for extracting the quality indicators from the university data base, online analysis of indicators’ values and for recommending the suitable measures in order to correct, if this is the case, inappropriate values of individual indicators. e-EdU-Quality system is based on the results of a former project – eUNIV, a project that transferred an e-business solution of knowledge management to the academic environment, and on the university information system, the pilot study being implemented on the university intranet.


  • Ioana Moisil
  • C-tin Oprean
  • Claudiu Kifor
  • Ciprian Candea

Publication type

Conference Paper

Published in

Proceedings of the 2007 WSEAS International Conference




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