Ropardo Managed Services

The complete commercial package for our customers consists of:

  • Develop and improve products
  • Evaluate and test
  • Develop and improve processes
  • Organizations and procedures
  • Develop and improve technologies
  • Analyze markets and advise on innovations

What distinguishes us:

  • Transfer of innovations into applications
  • Neutral consulting as an independent contact
  • Customized project teams
  • Excellent network of research and industry
  • Matching events such as workshops

You can work with us in various project formats. From the small project to the development partnership, everything is possible – tailored to your specific needs.


Are you looking for innovative concepts or want to modernize products by making the most out of the digital transformation momentum?

ROPARDO experts join your staff in workshops at your company premises and develop innovative concepts.
You receive suggestions for action consisting of criteria for innovative methodology and technology to be addressed in future projects. Natural steps can follow, such as the analysis of the technological potential.


Are you searching for innovation suggestions and ways of optimizing your software engineering process?

In workshops held at your company premises ROPARDO experts identify your needs. The feasibility study covers all angles of the development method considered, such as technologies, integration into existing processes, costs and future viability.
You receive a report which determines and evaluates the possible methods, describes their feasibility, and details the appropriate action required. This is followed by further steps for specific implementation measures.


Are you interested in the first practical implementation of predevelopments or innovative concepts?

ROPARDO team together with your experts define the kickoff, objective and requirements of the prototype. Then the prototype is developed, built and tested to assess whether it meets requirements or if further development is needed. This work can be conducted in our Rapid Innovation Lab or on your company premises.
You receive a prototype and a report to help you interpret the tests. You have access to the available infrastructure, such as testing equipment, as well as the broad expertise of our team.


You want to recognize technology trends at an early stage? Do you want to have a collection of possible solutions and an initial assessment thereof? Unlike method studies, the research conducted is more comprehensive and more open in terms of specific technical applications.

First thing to be done is to define the search areas with the help of your experts and ours. By way of research, interviews with experts, and monitoring trade fairs, we identify new concepts and processes that deserve to be taken into consideration. We collect ideas and approach them against requirements.
You receive a report showing the availability, implementation ability and perspectives of innovative technologies. Technology Explorer can help your company implement a new technology faster. This reduces process implementation costs and ensures a faster ROI.


You believe innovation can make a better world and are looking for a partner to walk by your side on long-term development work. Do you want to be an innovation driver for both your customers and your staff?
At the start of the collaboration, we join forces to define the project. On some aspects we start working straightaway while others are approached as the collaboration advances. A joint steering committee of representatives monitors the progress and financial situation of the project. It also decides on any action to be taken or new projects. The collaboration extends on 3 to 5 years and has a fixed annual investment volume.
The collaboration space benefits from close cooperation in well-coordinated project teams consisting of experts from ROPARDO and your experts and workers. This significantly reduces costs associated with contractual procedures and learning curve. Your company benefits from a constant input of expertise, ensuring a good position on the market for the future.



How we succeed

Innovation. Quality.
Timely delivery. since 1994

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