Ropardo has activated all gears to showcase bright ideas for the digitization of business and society on June 11-15 for CeBIT Hannover – Germany.
With over 5 years invested in the eHealth area, ROPARDO brings out ROHEALTH – newest customizable platform for medical data integration. ROHEALTH components align closely to CEBIT 2018 as a “business festival for innovation and digitization” as named by Oliver Frese, member of Deutsche Messe Managing Board. The innovation of ROHEALTH consists of the shift towards an empowered patient and streamlined operations for caregivers (hospitals, clinics, health insurers).
In general, we explore latest technologies to create real-world software solutions that industry players use to successfully digitize their operations.
For this year’s edition of CeBIT we reach for partnerships in creating a digital future. If you want to join in, visit us in Hall 14/15 Stand A30, BOOTH 15 – DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION