Article release in prestigious Springer Nature magazine: A multi‑domain ontology on healthy ageing

A multi‑domain ontology on healthy ageing for the characterization of older adults status and behaviour is the title of the article recently published in Springer Nature magazine with the partaking of twelve prestigious professors and contributors in Nestore European project.

Twelve is also the number of sub-ontologies deciphered to approach three significant domains of ageing: (1) Physiological Status and Physical Activity Behaviour, (2) Nutrition, and (3) Cognitive and Mental Status and Social Behaviour.

The article announces that thorough use of this ontology can support the development of a decision support system, to promote healthy ageing, with the capacity to do dynamic multi-scale modelling of user-specific data based on the semantic annotations of users’ profile.

Among the contributors, Ropardo’s CEO Ciprian Candea shared his part and our Research & Innovation team’s in the experience of building such a complex IoT ecosystem for Nestore – the Healthy Ageing Companion. eHealth continues to be an area of interest for Ropardo, a trusted technological partner in European R&D projects.

Multi‑domain ontology on healthy ageing


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