The 1st of October 2008 is the beginning of a new Research Project – Intelligent system for assisting decisions in advanced product and process planning and design ~ iDDesign – for ROPARDO SRL. It is a 3 year Partnerships under domain 1. IT&C coordinated by Lucian Blaga University from Sibiu.
The project aims at improving the decision occurred inside the product and process advanced planning – design, starting with identifying customer requirements, product / process design, up to prototype validation and production. It is our purpose to use modern tools that are related to intelligent decision support systems, and integrate them in process / product planning in order to reduce or eliminate the existing deficiencies, such as the geographical distribution of meeting participants, the subjectivism, and the dominant characters of some members, the social pressure, and the restraint.
Beside ROPARDO SRL and Lucian Blaga University from Sibiu, in this project the consortium is composed also from ASE Bucharest and Compa Sibiu.