21-24 of June was a good time for ROPAROD to do business at the 7th International Trade Fair for Automation and Mechatronics in Munich, Germany.
Four exciting and eventful days of the fair reflected the energy and dynamics of the automation industry. Our experience in this area of expertise is marked by applications developed for key players all over the world from the very beginning of the era. Be it in manufacturing, or heavy industries, custom-crafted applications enabled hundreds of customers align their business to today’s users’ expectations and market demands.

We take pride in our RobotHMI (Human Machine Interface), an assistive system ensuring the interaction between a human operator and a machine (exoskeleton). Integrating the industrial grade smartphone and interactive glasses (Augmented Reality), the system improves the human experience by offering easy control, personalization and monitoring for the machine (exoskeleton). With RobotHMI, for steepening the learning curve, training materials are at a glance to help the human to learn faster how to operate the machine (exoskeleton).
We believe we benefited big times from this participation and enriched our portfolio of knowledge and prospects.