On 26.03.2008, occured at University “Lucian Blaga” the presentation eLearning program for Quality Management; basic application for master program in the frame of Engineering Department (pilot program).
This application was developed in the frame of project Eedu-Quality, Quality Management System for university based on computers (informatics) tools for learning and knowledge. The project was developed by Wittman & Partner in partnership with University “Lucian Blaga”, Terrestrial Forces “Nicolae Balcescu” Academy and Work Eval Company.
On this presentation participated Prof. Dr. Constantin Oprean, the rector of University “Lucian Blaga”, and others professors from University. Wittmann & Partner was representated by the technical project manager and project manager with a live demonstration for eLearning program.
eLearning program for Quality Management is a modern application, developed on Moodle pathway wich offers to the students all informations for didactics activities. The newness of this project is the way to choose the master study, communication with coordinating professor during the master study, and loading in a database with full access for students and professors.