Cyber Physical System (CPS) engineering is currently the focus of many industrial and academic research projects. This July, the “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu hosted research scientists and students, R&D experts from various industries to find out the latest advances in CPS engineering.
For 5 days, expert speakers from EU project consortia provided insights into the art modelling and the analysis techniques for cross-disciplinary CPS engineering. Cyber physical systems provide the potential for revolutionary social benefits in key fields like: Automotive, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Heavy Industry, etc.
Ropardo Research & Innovation Center is constantly interested in the latest technology advancements and innovative best practices. Our R&D team performs a continuous scientific research activity, in order to develop and implement reliable and cutting-edge software solutions.
During the event, all participants benefited from tutorials, lectures and hands-on sessions for a deeper understanding of these highly automated, innovative and collaborative systems.