Organized by “Avram Iancu” Technological High School in Sibiu and „Samuel von Brukenthal” High School in collaboration with ROPARDO and supported by the Ministry of National Education and the Education Inspectorate of Sibiu county, IT school contest “Infoliceanul” celebrated its 25th edition.
Started in 1993, “Infoliceanul” is the oldest IT contest in Sibiu and aims to encourage young students to share creative ideas through technological know-how.
Tradition was kept in what concerns the contest sections: Power Point presentation, Website Creativity, Autocad and our dearest Programming. As usual, our great team of software engineers was present for 9th to 12th grade students, offering support from choosing the right problems for them, assisting during examination, to evaluation and prize-giving day.
The contest’s website received a brand new, fresh look and feel. You are more than welcomed to visit and be part of our story.
Once again, we gave our best to contribute to community development through education, as it has become a pleasant habit for ROPARDO to get engage actively in local social awareness projects and programs.

In an anniversary year the local media appreciated our efforts.