Wittmann & Partner representatives will attend the workshop focused on the evaluation and dissemination of PHARE RO 2002/000-586.03.02/TM 555 project results. The purpose of this action is to bring the project results to the public, as well as to initiate the cooperation procedure between those local administrations in Timis county interested in using the informatic application developed by Wittmann & Partner within the pilot project.
Our company is invited to the above mentioned event as a result of its contribution to obtaining valuable results and because of its permanent cooperation availability.
The project was carried on for a 12 month period, mainly addressing the public clerks within the county council and the city halls from Timis. Its objectives refered to: the development and implementation, at local and distric public administration level, of a pilot project for local funds administration through financial management based on programmes and projects, in the context of financial autonomy and decentralization; the professional development of public clerks, local promoters and representatives with reference to local funds management mechanisms and procedures.