For research department (led by Drd. Ing. Ciprian Candea) of Ropardo SRL has become a habit to engage in research projects with European co-financing.
The newest project from portfolio is called VFF (Virtual Factory Framework – holistic, extensible, scalable and standard Virtual Factory Framework) and has started on September 1, 2009. Beside the membership of Steering Committee that our company earned through years, Ropardo SRL is also the leader for Functional Modules Work-package.
The main objective of VFF project is to develop a platform for the virtual factory and the associated tools for fast, reliable and optimized design knowledge-based production systems.
In project consortium are 9 small and medium companies, 7 research institutes, 4 universities, and 9 industrial companies from: Italy, Germany, Greece, Romania, United Kingdom, France, Slovakia, Switzerland, Portugal and Spain.
Based on Ropardo expertise in software development for production industry our main contribution in this project will be materialized through software development activities, dissemination of information, testing and validation the new software.