Like in the last time the Grupul Scolar Avram Iancu organized the the informatics contest Infoliceanul 2008, edition XV, between 15-16 may 2008.70 young IT passionate pupils will have a chance to compete in four sections of the contest: Creativity educational software, Creating web pages, Power Point, Autocad.
Wittmann&Partner Computer Systems Sibiu financed the prizes for the winning projects like in the last 7 years.
The first prizes went to: Costeiu Andrei, for “Creativity educational software”; Pascu Ciprian and Stefanescu Mihai, for “Web pages”; Laba Ilie Adrian for “Autocad” and Dragoi Paul and Matau Rudi, for “On the spot PowerPoint presentations”.
We wish them congratulation and good luck for the next edition.